Cast iron L2

Cast iron DSTU 3132-95 (GOST 4832-95) cast iron smelted in a blast furnace, containing the vast majority of carbon in the form of free graphite and containing silicon up to 3.75%; used to produce castings in foundries.

Cast iron that corresponds to a certain grade in terms of the mass fraction of silicon, but does not correspond to the mass fraction of sulfur, are assigned to the nearest grade by silicon and to the corresponding category by mass fraction of sulfur.

Foundry cast iron is intended for further processing in iron foundries for the production of castings.

L2 3.5-4.0 2.8-3.2 <=0.3 0.3-0.5 0.5-0.9 0.9-1.5 0.08 0.12 0.3 0.3-0.7 0.7-1.2 0.02 0.03 0.04 -

Cast iron is produced in ingots without clamps, with one or two clamps. The thickness of the pig at the point of pinching should be no more than 30 mm.
The mass of pigs without pinch should be no more than 18 kg, with one pinch - no more than 30 kg, with two clamps - no more than 45 kg.
The amount of broken pigs should be no more than 2% of the mass of the batch. Combat includes pieces weighing no more than 2 kg.
There should be no slag residues on the surface of the pigs. Lime, graphite and other mixture components are allowed. for spraying molds that do not affect the quality of cast iron.
The number of pigs with graphite pellets and shells on the surface in foundry cast iron should be no more than 10% the masses of the party. The presence of graphite pellets on the surface of ingots of cast iron refined by magnesium is not allowed.
Cast iron of all grades is produced with a standardized mass fraction of carbon from 3.4 to 4.5% inclusive.
In cast iron L2, smelted from copper-containing ores, the mass fraction of copper is additionally determined and indicated in the quality document.
Foundry cast iron is produced with a mass fraction of chromium of no more than 0.05% for the production of castings from nodular cast iron, with a mass fraction chromium no more than 0.04% for castings made of malleable cast iron and with a mass fraction of chromium no more than 0.1% - for castings made of gray cast iron.
Cast iron grade L2 for the production of piston rings is made with a mass fraction of manganese from 0.6 to 0.8% and phosphorus from 0.4 to 0.6%.

4832-95 ГОСТ 4832-95 (134 Кб)

Metallurgical company "Mitra" LLC offers from stock Cast iron L2 at a negotiated price.

Котировки LME на 2023-12-12
Металлургия и строительство в Украине