Ferrochrome low carbon FeCr005

Ferrochrome is an alloy of iron and chromium, used for alloying steel and alloys. Obtained by reducing sufficiently rich (high chromium oxide content and high chromium oxide/iron oxide ratio) chromite ores (or concentrates) with a carbonaceous reducing agent (usually coke).

FeCr005А 65.0 0.05 1.5 0.03 0.02 0.2
FeCr005B 0.05

Ferrochrome is supplied in pieces weighing no more than 20 kg or in the form of crushed and sifted particles. High-carbon ferrochrome can be produced in ingots weighing no more than 30 kg. Crushed ferrochrome is supplied by size class in accordance with the following table (the mass of the under-size product is established for the point of delivery of the material to the buyer):

1 100 - 315 10 20
2 50 - 200 10 10
3 5 - 200 5 5
4 5 - 100 10 10
5 20 - 50 10 10
6 5 - 50 10 10
7 5 - 20 10 10

The surface and fracture of ferrochrome pieces should not have pronounced inclusions of slag, sand and other foreign materials. An oxide film and traces of non-stick materials are allowed on the surface of the pieces.

4757-91 ГОСТ 4757-91 (603 Кб)

Metallurgical company "Mitra" LLC offers from stock Ferrochrome low carbon FeCr005 at a negotiated price.

Котировки LME на 2023-12-12
Металлургия и строительство в Украине