Silicon metal

Technical silicon (Silicon metal) - blocks of silicon with a polycrystalline structure, obtained by carbothermic reduction from pure quartz sand; contains at least 98% silicon, the main impurities are iron, aluminum, calcium.

Kr00 17 1131 0001 99.0 0.4 0.3 0.4 1.0
Kr0 17 1131 0002 98.8 0.5 0.4 0.4 1,2

Silicon is produced in the form of pieces ranging in size from 20 to 300 mm with an acceptable fraction content of less than 20 mm no more than 10% of the batch weight.
The surface of silicon pieces should not contain inclusions of slag, sand and other foreign materials, visible to the naked eye. Darkening of the silicon surface during self-breaking of hot ingots, as well as the presence of tarnished colors are not considered unacceptable.
On the surface of pieces of silicon intended for the production of aluminum-silicon alloys of various grades, traces of non-stick filling, segregation deposits, silicon splashes, tarnish films and individual minor slag inclusions.

2169-69 ГОСТ 2169-69 (412 Кб)

Metallurgical company "Mitra" LLC offers from stock Silicon metal at a negotiated price.

НБУ на 29.07.2024
USD 41,098
EUR 44,632
RUB 0,478
Обмен на вчора
USD 40,944 41,575
EUR 44,480 45,290
RUB 41,400 44,400
Межбанк на вчора
USD 41,120 41,150
EUR 33,350 33,410
RUB 0,366 0,367

Котировки LME на 2023-12-12
Металлургия и строительство в Украине