
Silicocalcium is an alloy of calcium, silicon and iron, an active complex deoxidizer and degasser of steel and cast iron and an effective desulfator.
It is successfully used for both furnace and non-furnace processing of steel, provides a minimum amount and optimal shape of non-metallic inclusions at a high degree of deoxidation, improves the strength properties of rolled products, forgings and castings. Indispensable for continuous steel casting.

SiCa 30(h) 30 50 1.0 0.2 0.02
SiCa 30 30 50 2.0 0.5 0.02
SiCa 30R 30 55 2.0 1.0 0.04

4762-71 ГОСТ 4762-71 (253 Кб)

Metallurgical company "Mitra" LLC offers from stock Silicocalcium at a negotiated price.

Котировки LME на 2023-12-12
Металлургия и строительство в Украине